
A field study was conducted two consecutive years to know the “Influence of macro and micronutrient priming on growth parameter, grain yield and seed quality of soybean” was carried out during kharif, 2018 and 2019 at research farm of Oilseed Research Station, Latur under VNMKV, Parbhani. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Block Design (RBD) with 12 treatments which were replicated thrice. The treatments comprises T1: absolute control, T2: Only RDF, T3: RDF + Zn@ 3g kg-1 seed, T4 :RDF + B @ 3g kg-1 seed, T5: RDF+ Fe @ 3g kg-1 seed., T6: RDF + S @ 3g kg-1 seed, T7: RDF + Zn + B each @ 3g/kg-1 seed,T8: RDF + Zn + B +Mo each @ 3g kg-1 seed,T9: RDF + Zn + B + Mo + Fe each @ 3g kg-1 seed,T10: RDF + Zn + B + Mo + Fe+ S each @ 3g kg-1 seed,T11:RDF + Rhizobium +PSB each @ 10 ml kg-1 seed,T12: Without RDF + Zn + B + Mo + Fe + S each @ 3g kg-1 seed. To achieve the objectives the observations were recorded at various growth stages of soybean during 2018 and 2019. The result indicates that, the micronutrient priming treatment T10 receiving Zn + B + Mo + Fe+ S each @ 3g kg-1 seed application along with RDF found to be effective in improving growth and yield attributing characters like germination percentage, plant height, leaf area, root density, number of pods, final plant stand percentages, grain yield, dry matter yield and total biological yield. In grain quality the results revealed that test weight, protein and oil content percentage were significantly influenced with the application of treatment T10.On the other hand, in all the cases the lower response was found from the control treatment.

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