
It is a subject of question how the factor of living circumstances of the society affects the health of girl students who are in their adolescence. We can find some fragmentary reports on its inf uence over the outside physical conditions such as stature or weight. However, few studies have been done with any attention on endoplasum. I investigated approximately 3, 000 girl students who are considered to be living in similar circumstances and saw how circumstances of life, i. e. city life, country life, or those who were born in the country and are presently living in a city, family occupations, financial conditions, and work affect the constitution and the blood gravity in endoplasum.As to the build of the body those who were born in the country and are living in a ctiy are the superior of all, and city residents, and next country residents follow. I want to note that a remarkable growth of body of those from the country is seen after they came to live in a city. Seen from their parents' occupation, daughters of physicians, lawyers, and directors of big enterprising companies are superior than daughters of white coller workers and farmers. Financially, seen from their food expenditure, which is considered to be most directly affected by the family income, those who spend more than 4, 000 yen for food have superior constitution to and more satisfactory growth than those who spend less. Also I found that though temporarily long hours of study affect the student's stature and weight. It is not clear whether or not this is caused merely by food problem but we cannot deny the greatness of its influence. From the investigation of blood gravity I found that there is a certain rela. tionship between coustitution and growth: those who are superior in constitution, especially in weight, have greater blood gravity, and financial circumstances are also seen reflected in blood gravity. What the blood gravity means to adolescent people is especially significant. Of course without any knowledge of particulars of living conditions of students, such as conditions of dormitory, etc. we would not be able to know the reason why those who came to live in a city from the country show such remarkable improvements in constitution in a single year. Also I investigated the subject from menses, which is one of the inner conditions of body. I compared those who have some accompanying symptoms and those without them, and also difference of age. During the menses the blood gravity goes down and shows a considerable change of value in usual examinations. Those who have some accompanying symptoms have tower blood gravity than those without them. Younger people are less affected by menses, which would be an important key in the diagnosis of any disorder of menses.

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