
Volcano is an area which serves as a catchment area for the lowlands. Ability of rock or weathered-soil to absorb the rain water depends on several things, such as lithology and large of slope. Different lithology has different characteristics, including in terms of porosity which is directly related to the ability of rock to store water. Characteristics of lithology in volcanic area can change rapidly, both vertically and laterally. Large of slope in volcanic area that change significantly also can affect the infiltration rate (the seepage of rain) in rock or weathered-soil. Therefore, the influence of lithology and large of slope to the infiltration rate should be proven to predict the infiltration zone in volcanic area. Observations has been conducted on the eastern slopes of Mount Malabar with an area 78 km2, at coordinates 7003'28.04" LS - 7010'32.05" LS and 107038'37.64" BT - 107041'50.6" BT. The infiltration rate observed on the weathered-soil using simple single infiltrometer made of PVC pipe 50 cm long, on March-April 2015. The measurement is carried out at several points where the weathered-rock result has been known, as much two times for different slope in each point. 26 measurement points have been obtained from different slopes and weathered-soil of different five-lithology. The results showed that the infiltration rate proportional to the percentage of rock porosity and large of slope. Infiltration rate sequence from the smallest to the greatest are weathered-soil andesites, basaltic andesite, laharic breccias, alteration of dacite, and pyroclastic breccias. The greatest infiltration rate obtained is 10.11 cm/minute in pyroclastic breccia with 25o slope, while the smallest is 0.0437 cm/minute in pyroclastic breccias with 4o slope.

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