
The main aim of land configurations is in situ conservation of soil moisture by increasing the opportunity time for augmented water use efficiency and drain out excess water. The field study was conducted for two years under rainfed conditions of Dharwad on residual soil moisture and fertility. Cowpea produced higher grain yield (13.4 q ha-1), haulm yield (25.6 q ha-1) and harvest index (34.4 %) with Broad Bed and Furrow (BBF) method of planting. Similarly, BBF method resulted in higher soil moisture content (32.09 % at 40 DAS) and rain water use efficiency (RWUE) of 5.96 kg ha-mm-1. The RWUE had a significant and highly positive correlation with soil moisture at 40 and 55 DAS (with r value of r=0.94** and r=0.96**, respectively). BBF method of planting also registered higher gross return (Rs.42725 ha-1), net return (¹ 27515 ha-1) and benefit-cost ratio (2.82). Cowpea can be grown successfully after summer maize on existing BBF configuration for higher yield and rain water use efficiency.

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