
The purpose of the article is to identify the main trends in the influence of jazz and music forms on pop culture. The research methodology involves recourse to an interdisciplinary approach, as well as the use of comparative, historical, and logical methods of analysis and culturological approach in the study of these issues. The scientific novelty of the work is to generalize the problems of interaction and influence of jazz features of vocals on the development of pop vocals, expanding knowledge about the development of pop and song culture in general. Conclusions. The formation of pop singing is inextricably linked with the widespread of music halls, variety shows, cabaret, pop theaters, and more. By the end of the twentieth century, the media, the Internet, and screen culture led to the spread of pop vocals on a new level and pop singing became an integral part of everyday life. All these aspects and features of the jazz genre-style system had an indirect impact on the work of composers who turned to songwriting in the pop sphere, considered jazz as a mediator between "serious" and light musical forms while giving jazz techniques creative and methodological potential. Understanding the music culture of specific pop-jazz types (genres) of modern music influences the understanding of pop, pop vocals, and pop-jazz music as a phenomenon of art.
 Keywords: jazz musical forms, pop vocals, pop-song culture.


  • Bobul Ivan, candidate of art history, head of the Department of Academic, Pop Vocal, and Sound Design

  • Influence of jazz and musical forms on pop and song culture The purpose of the article is to identify the main trends in the influence of jazz and music forms on pop culture

  • The scientific novelty of the work is to generalize the problems of interaction and influence of jazz features of vocals on the development of pop vocals, expanding knowledge about the development of pop and song culture in general

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Дослідження джазового вокалу і виконавства, а також його впливу на естрадно-пісенну культуру знайшло відображення у працях низки дослідників, як вітчизняних, так і зарубіжних: М.Герасимової [3], О.Коверзи [4], В.Коскіна [6], В.Омельченка [7], В.Пашинського [8], С.Симоненко [13], А.Федорченка [14], А.Чеча [15], А.Шевченко Наприклад, феномен джазу не викликав творчого відгуку у таких видатних композиторів XX століття, як О. Як немає точних визначень в ієрархії системних типів музики, так немає сьогодні і завершального точного загального визначення феномена джазу, джазової культури.

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