
The purpose of the work is to study the peculiarities of integration processes and their influence on economy of the agro-industrial complex of various models of economic systems. The authors use the method of regression analysis for determining the dominating type of integration (internal or external), calculate the values of regression indicators, and determine the type if influence of integration processes on economy of the agro-industrial complex (positive or negative influence). For determining the dominating type of integration, dynamics of the values of the corresponding indicators are studied. The indicator of internal integration is the index of intensity of competition in domestic sectorial markets according to the World Economic Forum. The indicator of external integration is the index of economic globalization according to the KOF. The level of development of economy of the AIC is evaluated on the basis of the index of food production according to the World Bank. The data are studied in dynamics of three years: from 2015 to 2017 by the example of the countries that correspond to various distinguished models of economic systems. As a result, it is concluded that various models of economic systems are influenced differently by internal and external integration. The authors substantiate the necessity for mandatory accounting of the influence of integration processes during management of development of the AIC economy. For that, the proprietary mechanism of management of integration processes in the interests of stimulating the development of the AIC economy from positions of various models of economic systems is created.

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