
A field experiment entitled, “Integrated weed management in Kharif maize (Zea mays L.)” was conducted during Kharif, 2020 at Post Graduate Research Farm, RCSM College of Agriculture, Kolhapur. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Block Design (RBD) having three replications and twelve treatments. The soil of the experimental plot was medium black clay (vertisol) with 90 cm depth, low in available N (250 kg ha-1), high in available P2O5 (30.60 kg ha-1) and medium in available K2O (290.67 kg ha- 1). The status of organic carbon content (0.34%) was low. The electrical conductivity and pH values were 4.2 dSm-1 and 7.10, respectively.Weed free check and tank mixure application of Tembotrinone 42 SC @ 120gm a.i.ha-1 + Atrazine 50 WP @ 500 gm a.i.ha-1 + surfactant @ 2ml/l of water EPoE At 20-25 DAS + fb hand weeding at 40 DAS were on par with each other and recorded significantly the higher growth and yield contributing characters viz., plant height (cm), number of functional leaves plant-1, leaf area plant-1(dm2), dry matter plant-1(g), length of cob (cm), diameter of cob(cm), number of grains, weight of grains cob-1and test weight resulting into significant increase in grain and straw yields of maize as compared to remaining weed management treatments. Tank mixure application of Tembotrinone 42 SC @ 120gm a.i.ha-1 + Atrazine 50 WP @ 500 gm a.i.ha-1 + surfactant @ 2ml/l of water EPoE At 20-25 DAS + fb hand weeding at 40 DAS recorded minimum dry weight of weed, highest weed control efficiency (86.94 %) and lowest weed index (1.79%).Significantly lowest values for growth, yield and yield attributes as well as weed control efficiency was observed in weedy check treatment.

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