
Field experiments was conducted during kharif 2018 and 2019 at Agriculture Research Station, Dharwad, Karnataka, India to study the effect of inorganic nutrient levels and liquid biofertilizer consortia on growth, yield and fibre quality parameters of Bt cotton. Experiment was laid out with three main plots comprising nutrient levels and five sub plots comprising biofertilizer consortia in split plot design + one check and replicated thrice. Application of 100% recommended nutrients recorded significantly higher ginning out turn (33.86%) and dry matter accumulation in leaf (40.82 g plant-1), stem (120.4 g plant-1) and reproductive parts (110.4 g plant-1) compared to 80 and 60% recommended nutrients. Among liquid biofertilizer consortia application of rhizosphere consortia-II + phyllosphere consortia at 50, 70 and 90 DAS recorded higher seed cotton yield (2040 kg ha-1) and harvest index (0.33). Among interactions, significantly higher seed cotton yield per plant, seed cotton yield per hectare and boll weight was recorded with application of 100% recommended nutrients (100:50:50 kg NPK ha-1) along with rhizosphere consortia-II + phyllosphere consortia at 50, 70 and 90 DAS (156.1 g, 2388 kg and 4.89 g, respectively).

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