
Pursuant to the Government of Kenya’s policy framework on education, training and research a comprehensive policy framework has been developed to ensure that quality services are delivered efficiently and effectively at all times in ECD centres in Kenya. The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of infrastructure development policies on provision of quality teaching and learning of early childhood education in Mbita Sub-County Homabay County, Kenya. The study adopted organizational learning theory. Descriptive survey research design was employed. The sample size for this study was 27 head teachers, 54 ECD teachers, 6 Zone ECD Supervisors. The study used simple random sampling and purposive sampling technique. The tools used in this study were questionnaires and interview schedules. Quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive statistics while qualitative data was analyzed according to emerging themes. The analyzed data was presented using tables. The study findings showed that 79.49% (mean=3.97 and Std Dev=1.093) of the respondents accepted that the county has policies guiding classroom structuring which has enhanced teaching and learning. In conclusion, school infrastructures like toilets, play grounds, classrooms, and libraries are constructed according to the ministry of education standards. Toilets, pit latrines are located far from the classrooms to avoid air pollution and provide good learning environment. The study recommends that the ministry of education at the county level should facilitate construction of libraries in the primary schools so as to improve and enhance teaching and learning of children beginning from the preprimary to senior classes. In addition, the facilitation will boost learning and power of implementing and enacting the policies set for improving learning and teaching of learners.

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