
Background: Index plus foot is defined as the first metatarsus being lengthier than the second whereasthe Index minus foot is a condition where the second metatarsus is extended than the first metatarsal. Theprevalence of index minus foot is higher among females, a study on balance with index minus and indexplus foot on normal individual females are lacking. Objective: The objective of the study is to determine theinfluence of index plus and index minus foot among collegiate girls Methodology: It is a non- experimentalstudy with sample size of 100 are taken and tested for both static and dynamic balance. Outcome Measures:Flamingo balance test and Star Excursion Balance Test. Results: The mean and standard deviation offlamingo balance test for index plus group is 9.24+2.77423 and the index minus is 15.04+1.6655. The meanvalue of star excursion balance test for both groups resulted with less noticeable difference. Conclusion:The study concludes that there is a difference in static balance, whereas there is no differences in dynamicbalance among collegiate girls.

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