
A robust community development involves Continuous efforts, Strategic mindset, Equality and corporation, Humorous approach, Community based ideas implementation, Community input and output, Well-guarded legal and policy frame work whereas a robust Community development activity involves a broken down to small level of community effort initiated to ensure the societies get social, cultural and economic growth this will lead to more employment, Economic stability, social amenities availability, harmonious integration, reduced marginalization however all the stated issues promote capacity development and robust human resource in a given community through shared and responsible members towards development objectives. Resonating to the concern of the study to explore deeply and understanding the contemporary treatment and disability inclusion on social services towards the realization of community development goals and the services offered by various stakeholders in community and consequently analyse the core influences and plight towards participatory development on various community developmental initiatives in Bungoma North sub county development initiatives for sustainable development more so towards an holistic quality of life (QOL) of all and measures taken to support and ensure especially the disabled. This study explored recommendations such as cohesion disability awareness and respect among citizens ensuring that they are accorded the seriousness they deserve by all stakeholders and the constituents that affect various levels in order to reserve adequate resources in ways such as time and finances to ensure optimum inclusion of disabled.This paper is determined to basically help policy makers, community and everyone on the frontline ofprovision of social services laws and policies and implementation however it could also act as a catalyst for advocacy groups and nongovernmental organizations on lobbying the government and society in general on all-inclusive community development participation benefits to realize vision 20030. The study took in descriptive survey as research design; sampling involved residents/disabled, government officials, clergy and social work staff involving a purposive sampling technique, informal interview, observation and document analysis. The research was based on structured questionnaires, which were distributed for data collection. Targeted population was 1000 people peaked from Bungoma North Sub County through stratified method of random sampling however this study drew 10% of the study population that is 100 respondents then issued with poll forms as data tools. The study conducted correlation analysis to determine whether there was relationship and strength on changes in any given population and projected frequency and later examined by a way of statistical package for social scientists Version 21.

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