
IT HAS been shown previously that administration of ACTH protein and peptides (Li 1948) in human patients brings about considerable alterations in the urinary output of adrenaline and noradrenaline (Euler and Luft 1949). The treatment caused a marked decrease in the absolute and relative amount of nor-adrenaline excreted by the kidneys whereas the adrenaline output was less influenced. The relative adrenaline figures consequently rose and sometimes reached figures of about 100 per cent of the excreted catechols as compared to some 30 per cent or less in normal urine. Since these results constituted certain evidence that the catechol formation and excretion are influenced by disturbances in the endocrine balance and more especially in the ACTH-corticoid hormone system it appeared of interest to study the effect of hypophysectomy and ACTH-treatment on the distribution of the catechols in suitable organs. The spleen was chosen for this purpose since it is comparatively rich in catechols derived from its adre...

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