
Issues related to the influence of hydrogen energy on the development of the coal industry in the world and in Russia are considered and analyzed. It is shown that decarbonization of the economy in recent years has become an urgent direction for many countries of the world intending to limit CO2 emissions. The ratification of the Paris Climate Agreement, as well as the development of hydrogen energy in many countries of the world, lead to a decrease in coal consumption, as well as their production, export and import. Almost all EU countries have declared their refusal to use coal as a fuel, as well as coal-fired thermal power plants, thereby bringing their policies in line with the objectives of the Paris climate agreement [1]. This is a serious threat to Russian coal producers and exporters. The current "Program for the development of the coal industry in Russia for the period up to 2035" [2] does not consider, and could not consider the "post-like" conditions for the development of the world economy. The options for the development of the Russian coal industry for the period up to 2035, given in the Program, imply a significant increase in the volume of mined coal and its export, which seems impossible in modern realities. In this regard, the Program for the 2nd restructuring of the Russian coal industry is required, within the framework of which a new Strategy for the development of the Russian coal industry for the period up to 2050 should be prepared. account of decarbonization of the world economy by 2050 (60) and the implementation by many countries of the world by this period of programs for the development of hydrogen energy.

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