
Essential oils are aromatic, volatile, complex mixtures of various compounds, mainly hydrocarbons (monoterpene and sesquiterpene) and some oxygenated hydrocarbons. Juniper berry essential oil has wide application and high commercial value due to its considerable antimicrobial activities. It is used in medicine, food, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industry and veterinary medicine. Generally, it is obtained by hydrodistillation, technique for the extraction of substances which do not mix or mix very poorly with water and are unstable at their boiling temperatures. It provides high quality of essential oil and also represents a relatively simple, safe and environmentally friendly process. The variations in the chemical composition of the essential oil obtained from juniper berries at various distillation rates (3, 6 and 8 ml/min) and various mass ratio juniper berries?water (hydromodules - 1:3, 1:4 and 1:5) are presented in this paper. It is important to emphasize that the variations made influence only in quantitative (mass %), but not in qualitative chemical composition (no differences, same 58 components were detected in all experiments). To reflect those effects, only 23 identified components with the content higher than 0.5 mass % were selected, constituted 95?96 mass % of the essential oils. The major constituents of the essential oils were monoterpenes (67.39?71.00 mass %), followed by sesquiterpenes (21.64?24.54 mass %), while the oxygenated monoterpene (1.54?2.42 mas. %) and oxygenated sesquiterpenes (0.89?1.46 mass %) were much less present. According to volatility, the high volatile (boiling point 153?167?C) components are the main constituents of the essential oils (61.69?63.81 mass %), followed by the low volatile (boiling point 252?288oC) components (22.57?26.04 mass %), and the least present medium volatile (boiling point 173?212?C) components (7.24?9.61 mass %). The variations in the mass content of the essential oil at various distillation rates showed clear general trends for all hydromodules (with exceptions at some components). With the increasing of distillation rate, mass % of high and medium volatile components decreased, while mass % of low volatile components increased. This is caused by higher extraction of low volatile components at high distillation rate, which resulted the increasing of their mass %. The variations in the mass composition of the essential oil at various hydromodules showed less expressive trends for all distillation rates. That means it has much less influence on the mass composition than the variation of distillation rate. Therefore, experiments at various distillation rates should be continued in combination with the fractionation of the essential oil by simultaneous hydrodistillation and rectification, including the effects of preparation procedures of juniper berries and defining of optimal energy consumption, i.e. optimal time period of hydrodistillation.


  • Plodovi su usitnjeni pomoću mlina, mlevenje je vršeno 3 min srednjim intenzitetom, u 5 perioda, kako ne bi došlo do slepljivanja sirovine za zidove suda i kako bi usitnjavanje bilo što ravnomernije

  • Kao noseći gas korišćen je vodonik protoka 1 ml/min na 210 °C, temperatura injektora iznosila je 220 °C, detektora 240 °C, dok je temperatura kolone linearno programirana od 60 do 240 °C, i održavana izotermski na 240 °C sledećih 10 min

  • The variations in the mass composition of the essential oil at various hydromodules showed less expressive trends for all distillation rates

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Preradom zrelog ploda kleke (Fructus juniperi) mogu se dobiti: etarsko ulje, ekstrakti, vodene smeše, alkoholne smeše, aromatizovani napici, prirodni alkoholni destilat karakterističnog mirisa i ukusa, đubrivo organskog porekla i briketi. Etarsko ulje ploda kleke je najvažniji bioaktivan sastojak, koji ima široku primenu i visoku komercijalnu vrednost zbog značajnog antibakterijskog, antivirusnog i antifungalnog dejstva [2,3]. Etarsko ulje ploda kleke ispoljava farmakološka svojstva karakteristična za komponente koje ulaze u njegov sastav [8,9]. U zvaničnoj medicini poznata je primena preparata na bazi ekstrakta ploda kleke kao diuretika, urodezinficijensa, stomahika (lek za želudac), karminativa (protiv nadimanja), za izbacivanje kamena, lečenje disajnih organa i kožnih bolesti [1,24]. Interesantno je da nema mnogo objavljenih radova o kinetici hidrodestilacije, kao ni o njenom uticaju na prinos, hemijski sastav i fizičkohemijske osobine etarskog ulja kleke [27]. Cilj ovog istraživanja je sagledavanje eventualne promene hemijskog sastava etarskog ulja (predstavljenog masenim udelima njegovih komponenti) u zavisnosti od brzine destilacije i odnosa mase kleka−voda (hidromodula)

Biljni materijal i priprema
Instrumentalna analiza hemijskog sastava etarskog ulja ploda kleke
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