
High humidity enhances the injurious effect of ultraviolet radiation. This was demonstrated in experiments in which hairless mice were irradiated with Westinghouse FS-40-T-12 sunlamps while maintained in an environmental chamber allowing controlled conditions of relative humidity and temperature. Hairless mice given 10 MED (minimal erythemal dose) while maintained at 80% relative humidity had markedly greater exfoliation, crusting, and erosion of skin than did mice maintained at 5% and 10% relative humidity. Animals kept at 50% humidity had damage intermediate to those kept at high and low humidity. These morphologic observations were confirmed histologically. Additionally, water immersion enhances ultraviolet injury. Animals immersed in water for 6 hr prior to irradiation with 3 MED had more damage than animals irradiated but not immersed. Similarly, albino rabbits irradiated with 300 nm radiation from a xenon arc grating monochrometer had lower erythemal energy requirements on that part of their skin that had been hydrated with wet packs compared to nonhydrated skin.

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