
An experiment was conducted to study the effect of six dietary manipulations in fish meal and corn soya based diet on the egg shell quality of white leghorn hens (WLH) during hot and humid summer. A total of ninety six WLH were divided among 12 dietary treatment groups with 8 birds per treatment. The birds were housed in individual cages for an experimental period of 30 days. Following a 2x6 factorial design six dietary manipulations viz. 1) early (5: 00 am) morning feeding, 2) Calcarea carbonica (Calc carb®), 3) Kalium phosphoricum (Kali phos®), 4) control 5) 0.1% NaHCO3, and 6) 0.3% Methionine hydroxy analogue free acid (MHA-FA) were employed in each fish meal (FM) based and corn-soya (CS) based diet to form 12 dietary treatments. The results have revealed that Kali phos® and Calc carb® were helpful in improving egg shell quality. The former resulted in better egg shell quality in FM based diet. The sodium bi-carbonate, MHA-FA, and early-morning-feeding resulted in significant improvement compared to control in parameters pertinent to egg shell quality. The FM based ration resulted in better egg shell quality compared to CS (Corn-Soya) based ration. Therefore, based on the results of the present study the homeopathic medicine viz. Kali phos® and or Calc carb® in fish meal based diet are a good choice for layer birds to control the loss due to poor shell quality during hot and humid summer.

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