
Heterogeneous nuclei may be present in high concentration in the undercooled melt and could certainly require a higher cooling rate Ṫ than in the case of pure homogeneous nucleation process to avoid crystallization. The critical cooling rate T ̇ c required for glassy solidification of a Pd 77.5Cu 6Si 16.5 alloy was measured by monitoring the critical velocity v c for the formation of amorphous structure during the directional solidification. The measured T ̇ c = 221 K s −1 was higher than the Ṫ c value computed from a continuous-cooling-transformation (CCT) diagram using the Uhlmann treatment considering only homogeneous nucleation. The nucleation and growth during devitrification of a glassy sample were studied in comparison with another glassy sample produced in a drop tube. The existence of about 4 × 10 11 heterogeneous nuclei m −3 was estimated and could explain the high experimental T ̇ c value. Microstructures show typical heterogeneous nucleation observed in the samples, illustrating the effect of container walls and motes on the solidification process.

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