
At the end of the 20th century, the constant growth of the population and the rapid development of production brought the situation with the state of the environment in many countries and regions of the world to the brink of an ecological crisis. One of the main factors in the degradation of the natural environment is its pollution by various pollutants, among which one of the main places is occupied by heavy metals. Given the above, it becomes clear the relevance of research on the impact of heavy metals on plants. Currently, they are actively held in many countries of the world. The article is aimed at studying the influence of heavy metals on the main physiological processes that occur in plants. The results of studies on the influence of heavy metals on the main physiological processes of grain and leguminous crops are presented. Based on the results of the analysis, it was proven that accumulating in large quantities in plants, heavy metals cause a negative impact on growth, development and other physiological processes. It was established that in the presence of large concentrations of these elements in cereal plants, a decrease in the height of the stem, a decrease in the number of internodes, a decrease in the accumulation of raw and dry biomass, as well as a decrease in the size of inflorescences are observed. The main reasons for the decrease in above-ground biomass productivity in plants are the negative impact of heavy metals on the growth and development of plants and the intensity of photosynthesis. Individual types of plant groups show different ability to accumulate heavy metals. The results of our own research established that in the presence of high concentrations of heavy metals, a decrease in the linear dimensions of leaves was observed in almost all types of plants with which research was conducted. All of the above testifies to various aspects of the effect of heavy metals on metabolic processes and the viability of plants. They affect various functional groups of biologically important substances of the body, displace essential metals from metal-containing complexes, and also generate active forms of oxygen, which often leads to the occurrence of an oxidative explosion in cells and even the death of plants.

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