
Influence of maintenance conditions of cows of different genealogical lines on milk productivity and physiological parameters of animals is studied. Different maintenance conditions of cows in the hulls affected the level of milk yield of animals of all lines: with yard housing there is a difference in the index of milk yield for 305 days of lactation from 59.4 to 252.3 kg compared to the indexes for tie-up housing. Minimum difference in the index was observed in first-calf cows of the Reflection Sovering line (59.4 kg), which indicates the better adaptability of animals of this line to less favorable housing conditions. The relationship between high-altitude measurements and measurements determining the milk type of animals (between the height at the withers and the chest width - a positive average interrelation (0.3), and between the height at the withers and the chest girth - a positive weak (0.11)) was revealed during the study. Also, a weak positive relationship between some measurements of cows and their milk productivity (between milk yield of cows and chest depth (0.11), chest width (0.13), chest girth (0.15) was found. Comparison of the physiological parameters of cows of different genealogical lines in different housing conditions showed that significant differences were found only in terms of “respiration rate” and “pulse frequency”: when the tie-up housing, the aforecited indicators for cows of the Reflection Sovering line are significantly higher than those for herdmates. This suggests more intensive physiological processes that ensure better development and a higher level of milk productivity. Tendency to increase the number of erythrocytes and hemoglobin level in the blood of cows of the Reflection Sovering line, found during the study of influence of housing conditions of cows on the morphological and biochemical composition of blood, is preserved both in tie-up and yard housing.

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