
The estimation of accident source term and hydrogen generation is dependent on the core heat-up under postulated accident scenarios. The uncertainty of such estimations increases as the accident severity increases due to complexity in the determination of i) evolving degraded core configurations, and ii) associated suitable physical models for heat-up and degradation simulation. Analysis of postulated severe accidents for PHWR is essential for emergency planning and severe accident management guidelines from a plant licensing perspective. The study presents the order of uncertainty that is present as of today in deciding the size and shape of the suspended debris bed, which in turn decides the exposed core heat up, hydrogen generation as well as fission product release. The study reveals that the location and integrity of reactivity mechanism guide tubes significantly impact the exposed core heat-up, channel disassembly pattern and shape and size of the suspended debris bed. Nevertheless, the experimental study on the guide tube behaviour on asymmetric heat-up condition and their failure will further substantiate the postulation of suspended debris bed configuration.

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