
Griseofulvin is used to treat dermatomycosis in many species and causes oligospermia in supra-pharmacological doses. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of Griseofulvin administered at therapeutic doses upon semen quality in dogs. Four dogs were treated with Griseofulvin (25 mg/kg per day) for 30 days. Semen collections and analyses were performed before, during and for 100 days after treatment for the Griseofulvin group and 10 untreated control dogs. Semen analyses included mean percentage of forward progressively motile sperm, total sperm output, normal live sperm and normal dead sperm. There was no significant difference between control and treated dogs for each of the semen quality parameters. Therapeutic dosage of Griseofulvin had no deleterious effect upon semen quality in dogs, although this does not preclude potential embryotoxic and teratogenic effects.

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