
In order to develop energy efficient race track memory devices, it is crucial to create and controllably move chiral spin textures, namely, skyrmions in magnetic nanotrack. In recent time, intense efforts have been dedicated to understand the mechanism of domain wall pair to skyrmion conversion in different junction geometry that may fit into the memory applications [1,2]. Here, we study the mechanism of DW pair to skyrmion conversion in a typical junction geometry which consists of the combination of two narrow nanotracks (length – 800 nm, thickness – 1 nm, width varying from 20 nm to 60 nm in steps of 20 nm) and a wide track (width 200 nm). The separation between narrow channels are selected as 10 nm, 30 nm and 50 nm. The micromagnetic simulations have been performed using Ubermag to investigate the magnetization dynamics and the Zhang-Li torque evolver is implemented in Landau Lifshitz Gibert equation to drive the DWs using spin polarized current [3]. For a fixed Gilbert damping parameter (α = 0.3) and different values of non-adiabatic spin torque parameter (β = 0.2, 0.3 and 0.5) we investigate the DW to skyrmion conversion in these nanotracks. Interestingly, under the influence of spin torque, the DW pair gets converted to skyrmion only if the geometrical constraints allow the favorable instability to set in at the junction between optimally separated narrow channels and wide channel (cf. Fig. 1(a-d)) [4]. For certain width and separation between the narrow channels, the DW pair to skyrmion conversion cannot be observed for sufficiently large time scale (cf. Fig. 2(a-d)). We believe these results will be helpful in designing the skyrmion based racetrack memory where the controlled creation of skyrmion is expected to play crucial role. ![](https://s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/underline.prod/uploads/markdown_image/1/image/af3301ae9ac634fc6c9411eabcfd6b01.jpg) Fig 1: Snapshot of DW pair to skyrmions conversion from two narrow channels for α = β = 0.3, width of the narrow nanochannel = 60 nm, separation between the narrow channel = 30 nm ![](https://s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/underline.prod/uploads/markdown_image/1/image/ed5b1617a9c98ac080b569cc57b93e0f.jpg) Fig 2: DW dynamics from two channels for α = β = 0.3, width of the narrow nanochannel = 40 nm, separation between the narrow channel = 10 nm

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