
Purpose. Investigate the regularities of FDM process parameters influence on the manufacturing time of parts.
 Research methods. The samples for research were produced by the FDM method on a Profi+midi 3D printer. Slic3rPE software were used for CAD model slicing and G-code preparation. The samples were printed using ABS+ filament. The STATISTICA software package was used for statistical processing of the results.
 Results. The influence of different combinations of FDM process parameters (printing speed, layer height, infill geometry, infill density) on the manufacturing time of products was examined. The main factors affecting the manufacturing time were established: printing speed, layer height, infill density and the interaction of these factors
 Scientific novelty. Analysis of the manufacturing time dependence on the layer height and the infill density showed that when selecting a layer height of 0.15 mm and 25 % infill and a layer height of 0.3 mm and 100% infill, the manufacturing time turned out to be nearly identical. It can be concluded that for a lower layer height, increasing the infill density significantly increased the manufacturing time, while setting a higher layer and increasing the infill density led to a small increase in the manufacturing time. It was found that for a layer height of 0.15 mm at a printing speed of 40 mm/s, the manufacturing time significantly increased compared to a printing speed of 80 mm/s, while when selecting a layer height of 0.3 mm, the manufacturing time is less and a decrease in the printing speed led to a small increase of manufacturing time compared to a layer height of 0.15 mm. It was established that an increase in printing speed led to a decrease in manufacturing time and an increase in infill density led to an increase in manufacturing time. Thus, the manufacturing time at a printing speed of 40 mm/s and infill density of 25 % differed slightly from a printing speed of 80 mm/s and infill density of 100 %.
 Practical value. A regression equation was obtained which allowed predicting the influence of the FDM process parameters on the manufacturing time of parts.

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