
The aim of this work – determination of soil-transforming role of fine-leaved linden fall in forest plantations on dark-chestnut soil. Research materials and methods . Dark-chestnut soil was chosen as an object of our research. For making the comparative analysis, indices of soil properties were determined in forest plantations of fine-leaved linden and in motley ― fescue-feather grass steppe in the period from 2014 to 2018 years at the territory of Agrobiostation-botanical garden of KSU, where two experimental plots were founded. Soil samples were taken in a layer in 0-50 cm. Fall and remains of steppe plantations were not excluded since the beginning of experiment in autumn. All laboratory studies were realized according to standard conventional methods. Research results . At realizing the work we established that the humus content in dark-chestnut soil with plantations of middle-aged trees of fine-leaved linden increased by 0,13%; the steady alkaline medium formed, the granulometric (mechanical) composition changed from the light to the heavy one by the content of physical mud. The humus content in dark-chest-nut soil with motley ― fescue - feather grass plantations increased in 1,1 times that is 0,10 %; the light-sour medium formed, the granulometric (mechanical) composition changed from the light to the middle one by the content of physical mud. Conclusions . Under the influence of fine-leaved linden fall dark-chestnut soil essentially improves its natural properties, but at that the environment for plants, adopted for other conditions essentially changes. Steppe plantations form the light-sour medium, so humus and calcium accumulate slowly, and magnesium – intensively. Dark-chestnut soil has a high absorbing capacity and is a kind of natural cleaner of biogeocenose that must be taken into account at forming urban ecosystems. The quality increase of dark-chestnut soil by biological means is recommended to be realized not only be intensifying metabolism in the system “forest-soil”, but also by strengthening accumulation processes that is increasing the total absorbing capacity of forest biogeocenose


  • липа дрібнолиста менш вимоглива до тепла

  • Липа вимоглива до родючості ґрунту

  • 2. Порівняти отримані результати та з’ясувати вплив лісового насадження липи дрібнолистої на властивості темно-каштанового ґрунту

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[5]; досліджений вплив опаду та підстилки липових насаджень на властивості чорноземів звичайних [6, 7]. Лісова рослинність з моменту утворення зімкненого деревостану активно впливає на ґрунт, змінюючи його властивості. Інтенсивність і стійкість цих змін під впливом насаджень залежать від багатьох умов: типу ґрунту, фізико- Ґрунтотворна здатність лісу проявляється у накопиченні органічної маси, створенні більш сприятливих умов для розвитку ґрунтової фауни, помітному поліпшенні фізичних властивостей ґрунту.

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