
Two experiments were conducted to determine the effects of forage source (Exp. 1) and forage inclusion level (Exp. 2) in finishing diets on growth performance and feeding behavior. In Exp. 1, sixty-four steers (394 ± 3.6 kg BW) were allotted by BW to 3 pens. Within each pen, steers were assigned randomly to 1 of 4 dietary treatments containing different forage sources: 1) alfalfa hay, 2) corn silage, 3) wheat straw, and 4) corn stover. Alfalfa hay was provided at 10% of the diet DM and the other forage sources were offered to provide the same percentage of NDF from forage. In Exp. 2, forty-four steers (451 ± 4.6 kg BW) were used in a completely randomized design and were fed dry-rolled corn-based diets containing a mixture of hay and corn silage as the forage source at 5%, 10%, 15%, or 20% forage (DM basis). Intake and feeding behavior traits were calculated from data generated by the Insentec feeding system. In Exp. 1, final BW, ADG, and G:F did not differ between treatments. Dry matter intake and feeding behavior traits responded differently depending on week (interaction ≤ 0.04) of the experiment with DMI generally greater in steers fed alfalfa or corn silage early in the experiment and time per meal generally greater and eating rate slower in steers fed diets containing wheat straw or corn stover. In Exp. 2, ADG and G:F decreased linearly ( < 0.001) with increasing forage inclusion. Quadratic effects ( ≤ 0.002) were observed for eating time (per visit, meal, and d) and DMI (per visit, meal, and min) with eating time greatest in the 10% forage treatment and DMI the least in the 20% forage treatment. Dry matter intake per d responded differently depending on week (interaction = 0.01) with some weeks exhibiting linear and other quadratic effects that were primarily the result of the largest decrease in DMI in the 20% forage inclusion treatment. These data indicate that growth performance was not influenced by forage source, when fed at a similar NDF inclusion level, but was negatively impacted by increasing forage inclusion in high-concentrate finishing diets. However, both forage source and inclusion level impacted feeding behavior as cattle consuming bulkier forages (wheat straw or corn stover) or at greater inclusion levels typically had a slower eating rate and took longer to consume a meal. Additionally, DMI may decrease at greater forage inclusion levels (> 15%).

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