
Fibreze is a complex enzyme feed additive for ruminants, designed to normalize the metabolism and increase the productivity of animals. The purpose of the researches was to increase the efficiency of milk production when input in the ration of lactating cows of different levels of feed additive Fibreze. The rations of cows on the main indicators of nutrition corresponded to detailed norms of feeding in the All-Russian Institute of Animal Husbandry. In the structure of the ration the share of concentrated feed did not exceed 51 %. There was no more than 4,0 kg of dry matter per 100 kg of live weight at a concentration of EFU in 1 kg – 1,03. The content of raw fiber in the dry matter of the ration of cows in the 1st and 2nd phases of lactation was 20 %, which is consistent with the physiological norms for animals during this period. The input of the feed additive Fibreze 20 g/head/day in the ration of cows led to the increase in the average daily milk yield of natural fat content by 2,83 %, and the gross milk yield of 4 % of milk by 5,95 %. The use of Fibreze in cow feeding had a positive influence on the indicators of milk productivity for 120 days of lactation. Animals have been received Fibreze during the experiment period by 2,88 % more milk of natural fat content and 5,96 % more milk of 4 % fat content has been got. Feeding in mainl ration feed additive Fibreze contributed to the improvement of quality indicators of milk. The excess of the mass fraction of protein and the mass fraction of fat in the milk of cows of the 2nd experimental group during the period of increasing the milk yield was 1,6 and 4,5 %, respectively, in relation to the control. The yield of milk protein for 120 days of lactation was more by 7,0 kg, the yield of milk fat increased by 11,9 kg. The biggest economic effect has been achieved in cows that received the feed additive in the amount of 20 g/head/day as part of the ration.

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