
In this article it is discussed and analysed the influence of the European Union (EU) for Lithuanian regional policy development and its benefits. It was made a research that showed the present situation in Lithuanian regional policy and particular influence of the EU for it. This article research was made in 2011 from February to May. In the period of current economical recession EU structural funds support for Lithuania is very significant. It helps for Lithuanian regions to become more competitive. Financial support gives opportunities for economical development. In Lithuanian case the biggest problem is uneven economical development of capital Vilnius, biggest cities (Klaipėda, Kaunas) and other regions. Our country does not have regional policy traditions. For that reason Lithuanian regional policy faces with a lot of obstacles, which make difficulties for Lithuanian regions to become politically and economically stronger. EU structural funds support and other financial support from EU to member countries is an effective tool for regional economical development. The major obstacle in Lithuania is the fact that not always EU support to Lithuanian regions is imbibed effectively. As a result, positive effect and expected results are not achieved. The research data published in this article helped to reveal the essential obstacles, which prevent the Lithuanian regional policy from becoming stronger and more competitive in the context of economically developed EU regions.

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