
Estrogens stimulate the in vivo proliferation of epithelial cells of the mouse uterus. The cumulative evidence from several earlier studies suggests that the mitogenic effect of estrogens is mediated indirectly through a polypeptide growth factor. The primary focus of the present investigation was to determine whether an epidermal growth factor (EGF)-related polypeptide originates in the uterus of the immature or adult mouse under normal or altered estrogen status. Hybridization experiments revealed the presence of the 4.7-kilobase prepro-EGF mRNA in uteri of immature CD-1 mice. The level of this mRNA was augmented at least 2-fold in immature mice treated for 4 days with estrogen, but levels remained markedly low compared to those in submaxillary gland or kidney. Two preparations of pooled uterine luminal fluid from estrogen-treated immature mice contained EGF immunoreactivity (1.2 and 1.7 ng/ml) that was stable in response to acid (50 mM acetic acid) and heat. Negligible EGF (less than 20 pg/uterus) was detected in acid extracts of uteri from ovariectomized or cycling adult mice. After injection of 17 beta-estradiol (0.2 or 2.0 micrograms, ip), the levels of acid-extractable uterine EGF in ovariectomized adult mice up to 48 h after treatment were not different from those obtained with vehicle alone. Immunolocalization of EGF in the mouse uterus was demonstrated only after paraffin sections were first briefly treated with pronase. Staining was observed along the borders of luminal and glandular epithelial cells, especially at the apical region of the cells. Some staining was also observed in the myometrium; stromal cells were negative. Synthesis of the reactive material was apparently estrogen independent, since localization was retained in uteri of both ovariectomized and immature mice. Immunoblots of preparations of membranes from uterine homogenates or epithelial cells revealed a band at mol wt of about 130,000, which, along with other findings of the present study, suggests that EGF occurs predominantly as the membrane-bound precursor form in this organ, as has been previously shown for the kidney. Although the biological role of the precursor in the uterus is not known, we speculate that estrogens function in an autocrine circuit by stimulating processing of the membrane-bound EGF precursor. EGF elaborated by this mechanism might conceivably react with known complementary receptors on uterine epithelial cells to stimulate proliferation.

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