
According to statistics, approximately 75-80% of cases of diabetes mellitus in women during pregnancy show the presence of a urogenital infection in which the development of the inflammatory process is conducive to the elimination of the pathogen and the appearance of necrotic tissue. Such inflammatory processes, as a rule, occur with the participation of macrophages attracted by B-lymphocytes and NK-cells. The main goal of this study was to evaluate the expression ratio of immunocompetent cells: macrophages, NK cells and B lymphocytes in the placenta in women with diabetes mellitus who are in different age groups. Molecular markers were visualized using an immunoistochemical method. Were used antibodies to CD68 (1:300, Dako, USA) for macrophages, CD20 (1:300, Dako, USA) for B-lymphocytes and CD57 (1:300, Dako, USA) for natural killer cells. The results were visualized on a confocal microscope (FluoView 1000 (Olympus)). For scoring of microphotographs program “Morphology 5.2” was used. On the microphotographs the relative area of expression was evaluated, signified as the ratio of the area of the immunopositive reaction to the total area of the slide and the optical density. Then a statistical evaluation of the obtained data in the “Statistic 10.0” program was carried out. During the experiment, a sharp decrease in the expression of the CD68 marker in the placenta was detected. A decrease in the expression of the CD20 marker with an increase in the age of patients with diabetes mellitus was also demonstrated, while in healthy women an increase was observed in the middle age group. For natural killers, there was no difference between healthy and sick women. The result indicates a weakening of the reaction of the immune system in diabetes mellitus.

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