
The objective of this research is to study the work-family conflict of employees in the insurance sector. The research was conducted among employees in the insurance sector concerning work-family conflict entails attaining equilibrium between professional work and other activities so that it reduces friction between work-family conflicts. Work-life Balance enhances efficiency and thus, the productivity of an employee increases. It enhances satisfaction, in both the job factors and family lives. The ultimate performance of any organization depends on the performance of its employees, which in turn depends on numerous factors. These factors can be related to career family or social supports. The relationships between work-family conflicts can be achieved through emotional intelligence. Better emotion management is necessary to accomplish the day-to-day objectives of personal factors in life. Organizational culture and work demands put employees at risk of role overload and work-to-family interference the two most important of this form of work-life conflict. The concept of work was viewed differently before a few decades back Corporates held the view their Work and Family were different entities. Which have no relation to the performance of an individual in an organization. Keywords: Demographical Variable, Competency, Social Support, Personal Factors, Work-Family Conflict, Work-Life Balance, and Intention to Quit.

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