
The article presents the results of studying symbiotic systems in agrocenoses of sowing peas, depending on the influence of technology elements. The studies were carried out using biological preparations and plant growth stimulants during 2018-2019. On gray forest medium loamy soils. It is noted that the use of seed inoculation with strains of nodule bacteria in the latest technologies for growing leguminous crops provides the formation of an active legume-rhizobial symbiosis, an increase in the rate of assimilation of nitrogen from the air and an increase in plant productivity. It was found that the formation of the largest tuber biomass in the Metsenat variety 2.36 g/plant was noted at the stage of growth and development of BBCH 61-65 in the variant of the experiment, where pre-sowing treatment of seeds with a complex of bacterial preparations Biokompleks + Mikofrend and foliar feeding with a plant growth stimulator Regoplant in the phase budding against the background of mineral fertilizer N30P60K60. The same elements of technology ensured the formation of the maximum indicators of the active symbiotic potential and the amount of biologically fixed nitrogen, respectively, 13.6 kg • days/ha and 110.6kg/ha. Bacterization of seeds with microbial preparations contributes to the introduction of beneficial microorganisms into agrophytocenoses and is an element of organic farming based on the methodology of environmentally friendly technologies, restoration of natural resources and their energy conservation. As a result of the research carried out, the treatment of pea seeds with a sowing complex Biokompleks (2 l/ha) + Mikofrend (1 l/ha) against the background of mineral fertilizers (N30P60K60) and foliar feeding with a growth stimulator Regoplant (50 ml/ha) contributes to a significant increase in the amount and biomass bubbles. A positive nitrogen balance was noted in all variants of the field experiment, and its greatest amount remained not in the variants with high fixation of atmospheric nitrogen. The use of mineral fertilizer N30P60K60 and pre-sowing seed treatment with the Biokompleks + Mikofrend complex provided the largest amount of biologically fixed nitrogen, remained in the soil at a level of 66.4 kg/ha.

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