
Enabling the rational synthesis of molecular candidates for quantum information processing requires design principles that minimize electron spin decoherence. Here we report a systematic investigation of decoherence via the synthesis of two series of paramagnetic coordination complexes. These complexes, [M(C2O4)3](3-) (M = Ru, Cr, Fe) and [M(CN)6](3-) (M = Fe, Ru, Os), were prepared and interrogated by pulsed electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy to assess quantitatively the influence of the magnitude of spin (S = (1)/2, (3)/2, (5)/2) and spin-orbit coupling (ζ = 464, 880, 3100 cm(-1)) on quantum decoherence. Coherence times (T2) were collected via Hahn echo experiments and revealed a small dependence on the two variables studied, demonstrating that the magnitudes of spin and spin-orbit coupling are not the primary drivers of electron spin decoherence. On the basis of these conclusions, a proof-of-concept molecule, [Ru(C2O4)3](3-), was selected for further study. The two parameters establishing the viability of a qubit are a long coherence time, T2, and the presence of Rabi oscillations. The complex [Ru(C2O4)3](3-) exhibits both a coherence time of T2 = 3.4 μs and the rarely observed Rabi oscillations. These two features establish [Ru(C2O4)3](3-) as a molecular qubit candidate and mark the viability of coordination complexes as qubit platforms. Our results illustrate that the design of qubit candidates can be achieved with a wide range of paramagnetic ions and spin states while preserving a long-lived coherence.

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