
Influence of electric field pulse on electromechanical effect in LiF crystals. / M. V. Galustashvili, D. G. Driaev, A. A. Iashvili, V. G. Kvatchadze, V. M. Tavkhelidze. / Nano Studies. – 2020. – # 20. – pp. 141-144. – rus. Studying of the electromechanical effect, vibrations of LiF crystal under the action of an alternating electric field, is carried out. The effect of high-intensity electric field short pulse on the crystal oscillations amplitude under the action of alternating field and its modulus of elasticity was studied. Temperature- and time-dependence of the effect after the pulse application is traced. The migration energy of defects pinning dislocations in the process of return after exposure to an electric field pulse is determined. Fig. 3, Ref. 6.

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