
Edentulism, or tooth loss, seriously alters the appearance of the lower facial skeleton. The aim of this study was to determine if complete maxillary edentulism also impacts the curvature shape of the orbits and zygomatic arches in elderly adults. The study was conducted on 80 crania comprising two cross-sectional populations of elderly African- and European-Americans (60-80 years old). Forty of the crania possessed intact dentition; the remaining 40 exhibited complete edentulism with tooth socket resorption. Three-dimensional semilandmarks representing the curvature of the orbits and zygomatic arches were collected using a hand-held digitizer. Each craniofacial region's semilandmarks were aligned into a common coordinate system via generalized Procrustes superimposition. Regional variation in shape was explored via principal component analysis, multivariate analysis of variance, discriminant function analysis, cross-validation, and vector plots. Shape differences between the edentulous and dentate groups were detected in both the orbits (P = 0.0022) and zygomatic arches (P = 0.0026). Ancestry and sex differences were also identified in both regions. Orbit data correctly classified dentate crania 65% of the time and edentulous crania 72.5% of the time. Zygomatic arch data correctly classified 75% dentate and 60% of edentulous crania. The individual curves constituting each region also exhibited shape alteration with tooth loss, with the exception of the inferior zygomatic curve. Vector plots revealed patterns of superoinferior expansion, and medial and lateral recession depending on the region examined. These results suggest a relationship exists between maxillary edentulism and changes in the surrounding craniofacial structures.

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