
Southern blue whiting Micromesistius australis occurs around the southern coasts of South America and has been known to undertake summer feeding migrations to the Antarctic Penin- sula and South Orkney Islands. The largest stock spawns to the southwest of the Falkland Islands and has been the subject of a major fishery on the Patagonian Shelf since 1978. Fish are infected with cysts of the Myxosporean parasite Kudoa alliaria which make the flesh commercially unattractive for fillets. A 10 yr study initiated in 1989 established that prevalence of the parasite is over 80% for fish older than 1 yr, and that average infection intensities are about 14 cysts per fish. We constructed a combined generalised linear/generalised additive model (GLM/GAM) of parasite abundance in M. australis. The combination of up to 30 ages and 8 yr of data spanning 10 yr allowed us to investi- gate rates of parasitism in 33 individual cohorts. Strong age and cohort effects in the model implied that the fish acquire parasites in their first 1 to 1 1 /2 yr of life and that parasite abundance is set at these ages for the lifetime of the cohort. Several cohorts have statistically significantly lower parasite abun- dance than the majority, and these instances are roughly coincident with the 7 yr periodicity of sea- ice and sea surface temperature (SST) fluctuations in the Drake Passage. There are significant corre- lations between SST in the Drake Passage, the duration of sea-ice around Signy Island (South Orkney Islands) with a 1 yr time lag and parasite abundance in a cohort. We hypothesise that these correla- tions represent changes in the distribution and density of adult M. australis in warm and cold years, which thereby influences the density of the parasite field that juvenile fish encounter.

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