
Extreme events (EEs) in nonlinear and/or disordered one-dimensional photonic lattice systems described by the Salerno model with on-site disorder are studied. The goal is to explain particular properties of these phenomena, essentially related to localization of light in the presence of nonlinear and/or nonlocal couplings in the considered systems. Combining statistical and nonlinear dynamical methods and measures developed in the framework of the theory of localization phenomena in disordered and nonlinear systems, particularities of EEs are qualitatively clarified. Findings presented here indicate that the best environment for EEs' creation are disordered near-integrable Salerno lattices. In addition, it is been shown that the leading role in the generation and dynamical properties of EEs in the considered model is played by modulation instability, i.e., by nonlinearities in the system, although EEs can be induced in linear lattices with on-site disorder too.

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