
An institutional accompaniment and a strengthening of the teachers' technical and pedagogical practices were developed, based on the integration of tablets. The intervention was carried out in 223 educational institutions of Cundinamarca, Colombia and the impact on the professional development of teachers, students, and educational institutions was measured. From the variables related to the impact on the students learning, two logistic regression models were designed showing that students are more active and participatory in class when teachers embraced new methodological strategies, use new technological resources. In addition, it was observed that teachers improved positively the way they interact with their students. On the other hand, results showed that students improved their commitment to other subjects relate to the teachers that strengthened their participation in teacher's groups; the interest on integrating electronic devices from the institutional management, and the teachers that understood better the curricular elements of their area. The results will provide evidences to the statements that support the urge of including technology in education environments, along with teachers' pedagogical strengthening strategies particularly for tablets in Colombian context. On the other hand, this will contribute understanding the impact that these kind of implementations have on students' learning by showing how technology mainly affects factors associated to learning.

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