
Background: Yield of summer tomato do not always reach the full production potential. Improved management such as, training and pruning could improve the yield and fruit quality of tomatoes. The production of the healthy and improved quality tomato crop depends on various cultural practices like training systems as it prevents overcrowding for sunlight thus improves air circulation under humid and moist conditions where tomato plants are more prone to fungal diseases, avoids poor fruit set and assimilates competition. Methods: The study was carried out during kharif seasons of 2017 and 2018 with Solan Lalima variety, in the Research Farm of Dr. YSP UHF Nauni, Solan, HP to find out the response of plants to management practices on yield, quality and cost of production. The experiment consisting of two planting methods, three mulching treatments, two level of training system, laid out in randomized complete block design with three repetitions. Result: Plants trained to two stem gave the maximum fruit TSS (4.75 oB), ascorbic acid content (30.79 mg/100 g), lycopene content (5.84 mg/100 g) and shelf life (11.35 days). From the economics, it was apparent that tomato produced by the two stem training system exhibited better performance in terms of benefit cost ratio.

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