
This study compared the ability of juvenile non-transgenic (NT) and transgenic growth hormone (T; gene construct OnMTGH1) coho salmon ( Oncorhynchus kisutch) to metabolically utilize energy from lipid and carbohydrate for growth at two dietary protein concentrations. Triplicate groups of size-matched (initial weight, 28.2–29.1 g) NT and T salmon held in 10.5–10.8 °C well water on a natural phototocycle (12.25 h → 8.25 h) were each fed one of four isoenergetic (~ 17.5 MJ of digestible energy (DE)/kg) dry diets twice daily to satiation for 83 days. These diets contained 340 g (LP) or 430 g (HP) of estimated digestible protein (DP)/kg and either 123 g (LL) or 164 g (HL) of estimated digestible lipid (DL)/kg at each DP level (dry weight basis). Estimated digestible carbohydrate (DCHO) concentrations ranged from 45 to 269 g/kg to equalize dietary DE. Under the preceding conditions 46–66% of NT and 18.7–27.5% of T coho, depending upon diet treatment, exhibited no growth or lost weight during the study. NT coho are known to grow slowly or lose weight between the fall equinox and winter solstice but this was unexpected for T coho. Considering all fish T coho, regardless of diet treatment, exhibited significantly higher specific growth rates (SGR) than NT fish due to enhanced feed intake, feed and protein (gross and available deposited) utilization and generally improved available energy utilization. Diet treatment did not affect the growth performance of T fish. Within NT fish, the HP diets supported best gross and available protein and energy utilization. SGR values for growing fish (F G) only followed identical trends to those for all fish in relation to diet treatment. Regardless of fish genotype, terminal hepatosomatic indices for F G were directly related to dietary DCHO content and maximum values were noted in NT fish fed LP–LL (significantly higher than observed in NT or T fish fed HP–HL). Final whole body protein concentrations adjusted for dissimilar fish size were higher in T fish fed HP–HL than in T fish fed LP diets and NT fish fed LP–LL. This was also true for T fish fed HP–LL versus T fish fed the LP diets. Within HP groups, whole body lipid and energy contents were generally higher in NT versus T fish whereas within the LP groups energy content was significantly higher in T versus NT fish and was highest in T fish fed LP–LL. Terminal plasma titres for GH and IGF–1 (all fish) were significantly higher in T than in NT fish and were generally uninfluenced by diet treatment. Non-growing NT and T fish had elevated GH relative to NT and T fish that grew. Also, GH was higher in growing T fish relative to growing NT fish whereas the opposite was true in non-growing fish. Plasma IGF-1 levels were higher in growing NT and T fish than in their respective non-growing counterparts. Within F G only, IGF-1 levels were higher in T versus NT fish. It is concluded that T coho have enhanced ability to effectively utilize DE from DCHO relative to NT fish especially when DP is near the bottom of the optimal range and DL is concurrently suboptimal for NT fish. This is likely due to the elevated titres of GH, IGF-1 and 3,5,3′-triiodo- l-thyronine (measured in another study) in T fish. Also, the enhanced ability of T fish to store energy under these dietary conditions suggests enzymatic improvements in their anaerobic and aerobic metabolism of glucose.

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