
We have studied the influence of defects in welded joints of 17G1SU pipe steel performed by manual electric arc method with UONII 13/55R, FOX EV 50 (Bohler), and Basic One (Lincoln) electrodes on the serviceability of welded structures in air and environments containing hydrogen sulfide. We have established that bulk defects, having a total area of up to 15% of the calculated cross section of a welded joint performed with UONII 13/55R electrode, do not affect its strength under slow deformation (10−5 sec−1). Defects reduce significantly the resistance of welded joints to hydrogen-sulfide corrosion cracking: in the presence of comparable defects, the threshold stresses of specimens welded with UONII 13/55R and FOX EV 50 electrodes are 60 MPa lower than for specimens without defects.

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