
The anomalous anisotropy and tension (t)/compression (c)-asymmetry of the critical resolved shear stress τo of the L12-long-range ordered intermetallic γ′NIM are analysed in the light of a published (Miner RV, Gabb TP, Gayda J, Hember, KJ. Met Trans A 1986; 17A: 507) analytical expression τohkℓ,t/c,To⩽T⩽Tpeak. Particles of γ′NIM strengthen the commercial nickel-base superalloy NIMONIC 105. hkℓ characterises the orientation of the specimen, and To≈300 K and Tpeak≈ 1000 K mark the temperature (T) range in which τo is anomalous. Except for γ′NIM-single crystals with the [011]-orientation, the formula describes the anisotropy and (t/c)-asymmetry of the critical resolved shear stress satisfactorily.

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