
Marine species are the major components of living organisms on the Earth that have dominated nearly 90 percent of the habitat of Earth. Climate changes have changed the distribution of the marine species among the world and causing extinctions and eventually greatly impacts the whole marine ecosystem. This paper is going to discuss the impacts of climate change on marine species and what humans could do to protect the marine species under the change of the climate. This paper first introduces the global background about the climate change and how does it affects marine species. Then evaluates the whole systems to three smaller parts: fish industry, coral reefs and seagrass. The protection of coral reef and seagrass habitats are necessary to maintain the marine ecosystem. Finally the paper proposals several solutions to minimize the impacts of climate change on marine species. The advanced technology, government support and volunteer works would be essential to save the marine species from the undergoing life threatening situation. From now on, humans should stand together to protect our common habitat and save other species who share the Earth with humans. This paper is important because it evaluates the recent conditions of marine species under the climate change and it explores the potential solutions to solve the ongoing issues.

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