
Objective. Study the influence of Cladosporium cladosporioides metabolites on viral infection dynamics in potato plants under conditions of artificial and natural infection. Methods. Laboratory (virological, immunological, electron microscopic), field, statistical. Results. The influence of microbial metabolites on the development of viral infection in potato plants was studied in 2021 and 2022 under the conditions of a small field experiment. In 2021, under the conditions of protection against re-infection in the variants artificially infected with potato virus X (PVX), visual and immunological methods did not reveal any plants with symptoms of viral damage, the electron microscopic examination showed a low concentration of virus particles in plants, which probably caused due to abnormally high temperature during the vegetation of micro-plants. Treatment of plants with C. cladosporioides metabolites did not significantly affect the accumulation of PVX. In the experiments of 2022, tubers from healthy and artificially infected microplants from variants with and without treatment of plants with C. cladosporioides metabolites were used. The analysis of the viral infection dynamics under the conditions of natural infection with phytopathogenic viruses and previous artificial infection with PVX showed that C. cladosporioides metabolites affect the development of viral infection. In most variants using microbial metabolites, the rate of visual manifestation of the viral disease was 3 % to 5 % lower compared to the control. The frequency of detection of viruses by the immunological method was higher in the control variant and was equal to 40 %, the lowest number of detected infected plants was reported in the variant when the plants were treated with C. cladosporioides metabolites for two consecutive years and was equal to 22.5 %. The greatest decrease in the viral protein content, which indicates a decrease in virus reproduction, was reported when C. cladosporioides metabolites were applied in the first and second years in the variants artificially infected with PVX in 2021 — the difference to the control was 38 %. We believe that the influence of C. cladosporioides metabolites on the viral infection dynamics in potato plants is caused by exohormonal substances included in their composition. Conclusion. The results of two-year studies show that C. cladosporioides metabolites influence the viral infection dynamics. A decrease in the rate of visual manifestations of viral disease is registered. The lowest number of infected plants was found in the variant when the plants were treated with C. cladosporioides metabolites for consecutive two years. Also, the action of microbial metabolites reduces the concentra tion of viral protein in potato plants. Such a reaction of the “plant-virus” system indicates the inhibitory activity of C. cladosporioides metabolites against viruses.

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