
This research introduces the analysis of fluoxetine and sertraline by means of the TLC-densitometric method. They provide information on LOD and LOQ under various chromatographic conditions. The study used adsorption (NPTLC) and partition (RPTLC) thin-layer chromatography in combination with a densitometric analysis. Four types of chromatographic plates precoated with: silica gel 60 F254, silica gel 60, silanized silica gel 60 F254 (RP-2), and a mixture of silica gel 60 and kieselguhr F254, as well as three mobile phases: chloroform + methanol + ammonia (9:1:0.4, v/v/v), chloroform + methanol + glacial acetic acid (5:4:1, v/v/v), and acetone + toluene + ammonia (10:9:1, v/v/v), were used in NPTLC. RP-18F254 and silanized silica gel 60 F254 (RP-2) plates and four mobile phases: methanol + water (10:0 and 9:1, v/v), acetone + water (10:0 and 9:1, v/v), were used in RPTLC. The lowest LOD and LOQ values for fluoxetine were obtained using a silanized silica gel 60 F254 (RP-2) with acetone + toluene + ammonia (10:9:1, v/v/v) in NPTLC, and with a silanized silica gel 60 F254 (RP-2) in combination with methanol + water (10:0, v/v) in RPTLC. The lowest LOD and LOQ values of sertraline were obtained using a silica gel 60 with acetone + toluene + ammonia (10:9:1; v/v/v) in NPTLC. The smallest amount of sertraline was detected on the silanized silica gel 60 F254 plate in combination with methanol + water (9:1, v/v) in RPTLC. The obtained results provide important information that can give a good basis and set the direction for further, more detailed research; the results can also benefit other researchers who analyze fluoxetine and sertraline with the TLC technique in model systems (testing standards) as well as in drug and biological samples.

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