
Dimensional change in wood occurs with the change in hygroscopic moisture content, as a consequence of available hydroxyl groups in wood constituents, allowing for the hydrogen bonding with water molecules. Various pretreatments of wood material are being frequently applied in the wood processing industry. One of the main effects of such processes is the hydrolysis of hemicelluloses, which is the main carrier of the free hydroxyl groups in wood material. Hence, the influence of water treatment and the acetic acid treatment on dimensional stability of narrow-leaved ash (Fraxinus angustifolia Vahl. ssp. Pannonica So? & Simon) were examined in this paper. Duration of treatments was 1h, 2h, 3h and 4h for both solvents. In addition the acetic acid was separately used in concentrations of 3% and 6%. Dimensional stability of the control (referent) and treated sample groups were tested on oven dried samples which were consequently submerged in the distilled water during 32 days. The increase of dimensional stability of narrow-leaved ash was achieved with all of the three treatments (one treatment with water and the two with acetic acid solutions). Simultaneously, it was noticed that the results of water uptake and tangential swelling were not significantly affected by the duration (length) of the treatments.


  • The highest improvement was achieved with the hot water treatment, which resulted in 20 - 25% lower tangential swelling of treated samples in regard to untreated samples, after one day of submerging

  • The samples treated with 3% of acetic acid had lowered the tangential swelling approximately for 18 - 23%, while the treatment with 6% of acetic acid showed the weakest effect by lowering the tangential swelling for 13 - 17%

  • During the first 5h, the water uptake was higher in treated samples, and it was further rising, especially for the samples treated with 3% of acetic acid

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Као материјал у овом раду коришћен је пољски јасен (Fraxinus angustifolia Vahl. ssp. Pannonica Soó & Simon) са подручја Моровића у Србији. На основу мерења димензија епрувета после сушења до константне масе (Waps=0%) и димензија епрувета у одређеним временским интервалима током потапања, израчунато је бубрење у тангенцијалном правцу за сваки интервал времена потапања, у складу са прописима стандарда SRPS ISO 4859:1997 према обрасцу:. Графикони 1, 2 и 3 илуструју утицај различитих времена третмана врућом водом, 3% и 6% сирћетном киселином на упијање воде (%) епрувета јасена током потапања у дестиловану воду на собној температури (20oC). Упијање воде узорака пољског јасена третираних 6% сирћетном киселином (CH3COOH) на 100 oC. На графиконима 4, 5 и 6 приказан је утицај различитих времена третмана водом, 3% и 6% сирћетном киселином на температури од 100oC, на тангенцијално бубрење (%) епрувета јасена током потапања у дестиловану воду на собној температури (20oC). Тангенцијално бубрење узорака пољског јасена третираних 3% сирћетном киселином (CH3COOH) на 100 oC. Tangential swelling of narrow-leaved ash samples treated with 6% acetic acid (CH3COOH) at 100 oC

Побољшање димензионалне стабилности
Упијање воде
Тангенцијално бубрењe
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