
In this study, we have examined the influence of spray with several solutions of lime, nitrogen and potassium chlolate on the boll-opening in cotton. Results obtained are as follows ; (1) The chemical injury of leaves was very serious, resulting in almost complete defoliation about two weeks after the treatment. On the other hand, the boll-shedding increased slightly though the symptom of injury on capsules was scarcely recognized. (2) The boll-opening was accelerated fairly especially at l0 to 15 days after the treatment, but on the contrary, checked afterwards. (3) In general, but that the amounts of yield in treated plots were much in early stages and lessened in later one, of seed cotton were not significantly different form that in the control plot. (4) The influence of treatment upon lint percentage and length of fibers was not recognized, but on the weight of seed cotton per boll and strength of fibers, some differences were recognized and the strongly treated plots were inferior to the control.

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