
In t~loe G-64 u rea dewaxing units, liquid paraff in is r ecovered f rom a 200-340~ cut containing a broad range of n-alkanes of var ious molecular weights. The quantity and composit ion of the n-alkanes depend on the dist i l lation range of the dist i l late feedstock and on the quality of the pe t ro leum f r o m which the dist i l late was p ro duced. The adducting is pe r fo rmed at 26-30~ giving a 40-55% by weight re lat ive to the potential yield. The r ecove ry of n-alkanes relat ive to the potential yield, depending on the composit ion of the n-alk~nes, can be maximized by select ing the optimal adducting t empera tu re ; the determinat ion of this t empe ra tu r e is of prac t ica l in teres t .

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