
Adipic acid (AA) production from petroleum-based cyclohexane is one of the largest chemical processes in terms of annual volumetric turnover accounting for 3 million tons as of 2022. The current commercial approach to synthesize AA is through the oxidation of petroleum-derived cyclohexane using nitric acid. The release of N2O in stoichiometric amounts makes it one of the most significant greenhouse gas (GhG) emitting processes. The abundance of biomass in the Midwestern United States has driven significant research efforts to synthesize bio-derived and sustainable commodity products and lower the chemical industry’s carbon footprint.1 cis,cis-Muconic acid (ccMA), a biobased C6 diunsaturated diacid platform molecule can be transformed to commodity chemicals like caprolactam, adipic acid, and terephthalic acid, with AA being of particular interest for the synthesis of nylon 6,6.2 For the first time in literature, we demonstrate appreciable production of AA (conversion: 91%, selectivity: >95%) through electrochemical hydrogenation (ECH) of ccMA on PGM catalysts. Carbon-supported palladium (Pd/C) and platinum (Pt/C) selectively produced AA while bulk Pd and Pt yielded the monounsaturated trans-3-hexenedioic acid (t3HDA) intermediate and H2 under all tested conditions. Such an influence of surface structure on the electrochemistry of organics is not unprecedented. Koper et. al3 studied Pt single crystals for the electrochemical hydrogenation of acetone and showed how activity, selectivity, and extent of catalytic poisoning are highly sensitive to the Pt surface structure. Similarly, we used density functional calculations to elucidate the structure-sensitive nature of ccMA ECH and its intermediates by identifying thermodynamically preferred reaction pathways as a function of surface geometry (terrace vs steps). The energetics coupled with experimental observations suggest that the reduction of ccMA to t3HDA occurs through an outer sphere proton-coupled electron transfer mechanism, while the reduction of HDA to AA preferentially occurs on Pd and Pt (111), the most abundant facet in Pd/C and Pt/C. Our calculations also explain the exceptional performance of Pd/C compared to Pt/C by the weaker binding of Pd terrace sites compared to Pt. Overall, combining renewable electricity, in-situ hydrogen generation from water, and a biologically-produced intermediate enabled us to open a sustainable route for bio-adipic acid production. This allows us to further design and optimize the catalyst for the selective production of biobased AA.

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