
We studied the effect of cadmium on chlorophylls and rubisco activation inCanavalia ensiformis L. leaves. Chlorophyll levels were reduced by 5.0 μM Cd. Rubisco activity at 5.0 μM Cd was significantly smaller than that at no treatment. Rubisco content showed patterns of change similar to rubisco activity. These data suggest that rubisco activity was associated with an amount of rubisco protein, and that the activation and induction of rubisco is inhibited by Cd. The degree of intensity of 50 and 14.5 kD polypeptides identified as the large and small subunit of rubisco by SDS-PAGE analysis at 5.0 μM Cd was significantly lower than that at control, indicating Cd had a effect on both subunits. Under the assumption that effects of Cd on rubisco may be related to rubisco activase, in addition to, its activity and content were determined. The rubisco activase activity at 5.0 μM Cd was more decreased than, the control. A similar change pattern was also observed in content of rubisco activase. Remarkable differences in the intensitiy of both the 45 kD and 41 kD band were found between at control and Cd-treatment. These results suggest that the change in the levels of rubisco activase leads to a subsequent alteration of rubisco levels.

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