
The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of energy status of cows, estimated by body condition score, on the incidence and the degree of hepatic lipidosis during the early stage of lactation. Cows were divided into four groups: dry, early puerperal, early lactation and late lactation period. Each group consisted of 60 cows. Body condition was scored by the method established in Elaco Animal Health Buletin Al 8478. According to this method, body condition score is represented numerically from 1 to 5 points. Liver samples for pathohistological analyses were taken by biopsy from early lactation cows (60. day of lactation). Fat content in hepatocytes was determined morphometrically and results were compared with criteria based on total lipid and triglyceride content in liver tissue. On farm A, average body condition scores were in a range from 3.31, at sixty days of lactation, to 3.86 points in the dry period. Nevertheless, the range was wider on farm B, and was from 2.18 points at sixty days of lactation to 4.15 points at the dry period. Besides, differences in average body condition scores were higher than 1 point, and in some cases (between late lactation or dry period to sixty days of lactation) were almost 2 points. The incidence and the degree of hepatic lipidosis strongly differ between the two examined farms. On farm A the incidence of hepatic lipidosis was 18.33 percent, while on farm B that percent was much higher (43.32). A significant difference was established in the degree of hepatic lipidosis between those two farms. On farm A diffuse hepatic lipidosis was determined in 5.0 percent of cows, while on farm B that percent was 18.33. According to these results, most of the cows on farm B had uncontrolled lipomobilisation and severe fatty liver during the early lactation period, probably due to the obesity of these cows in late lactation and the dry period.


  • Vet. glasnik 62 (1-2) 3 - 12 (2008) H. [amanc i sar.: Uticaj telesne kondicije krava na u~estalost i stepen zama{}enja jetre farmi A difuzno zama{}enje jetre je ustanovljeno kod 5%, a na farmi B kod 18,33% ispitivanihivotinja

  • Odmah posle teljenja i u toku prve faze laktacije, ugojene krave su daleko podlonije nastajanju metaboli~kih oboljenja od kojih je najvanije zama{}enje jetre (Brugere-Picoux i Brurgere,1980; [amanc i sar., 2005; Wentink i sar., 1995; Wentink i sar., 2005)

  • Rezultati ispitivanja telesne kondicije krava i razlike izme|u prose~nih vrednosti dobijenih ocena u razli~itim fazama proizvodnog i reproduktivnog ciklusa prikazani su u tabelama 2 i 3

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Vet. glasnik 62 (1-2) 3 - 12 (2008) H. [amanc i sar.: Uticaj telesne kondicije krava na u~estalost i stepen zama{}enja jetre farmi A difuzno zama{}enje jetre je ustanovljeno kod 5%, a na farmi B kod 18,33% ispitivanihivotinja. [amanc i sar.: Uticaj telesne kondicije krava na u~estalost i stepen zama{}enja jetre farmi A difuzno zama{}enje jetre je ustanovljeno kod 5%, a na farmi B kod 18,33% ispitivanihivotinja. Zbog toga je cilj istraivanja u ovom radu bio da se na dve farme visoko-mle~nih krava ispita uticaj energetskog statusa na u~estalost i stepen zama{}enja jetre u ranoj fazi laktacije.

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